Dear Readers,
As all of you know—mainly because, like, presuming you are not a baby who learned to read really highbrow internet content super quickly, you were there—2016 was not, necessarily, the best year on human record. I mean, let’s just take a second to think about all of the terrible stuff we endured: The whole “Trump Presidency” deal officially went down. Ben Affleck’s turned into cyborg that was ironically programmed to be terrible at acting while playing Bruce Wayne in a major motion picture. Harambe, the honorable silver back guerilla that resided in the Cincinnati Zoo, was killed in society’s misguided attempt to do things like not allow animals to tear 4-year-old boys from limb to limb in front of a group of blood thirsty spectators. Princess Lea was murdered by her own heart.
As all of you know—mainly because, like, presuming you are not a baby who learned to read really highbrow internet content super quickly, you were there—2016 was not, necessarily, the best year on human record. I mean, let’s just take a second to think about all of the terrible stuff we endured: The whole “Trump Presidency” deal officially went down. Ben Affleck’s turned into cyborg that was ironically programmed to be terrible at acting while playing Bruce Wayne in a major motion picture. Harambe, the honorable silver back guerilla that resided in the Cincinnati Zoo, was killed in society’s misguided attempt to do things like not allow animals to tear 4-year-old boys from limb to limb in front of a group of blood thirsty spectators. Princess Lea was murdered by her own heart.